H 채용정보 교내채용정보


외국계사 IT Helpdesk 신입 채용
  • 작성일자
  • 조회103
  • - 본사 내 IT 지원업무, 글로벌에서의 IT요구사항을 확인하고 진행하는 담당자
  • - Responsiblefor hardware setup, softwareinstallation and conduct IT training as users’introduction to IT system
    - Communicateto users to determine the nature ofproblems and the best approach forresolving the technical issues
    - Assist inmanaging hardware & softwareinventory items and maintain up to date
    - Tomaintain and support of meeting rooms AVfacilities and desktop computingsystems
    - Followstandard procedures for properlyresolving support issues and to ensuresecurity of desktop and mobile devices
    - Coordinate,escalate and work with various ITsupport teams or external IT suppliers,business owners, service managers acrossregions. Liaise with theresolver until completion
    - Communicateand escalate any business IT needsfrom the local team to regional/global DTteam
    - Helps inupgrades/migrates systems software asneeded to ensure secure, reliable andstable operation of end user computingenvironment
    - Handle anyequipment sourcing, procurement andmaintenance as requested by the localcountry
    - Providerelocation services on IT desktopequipment as required
    - Monitorall desktop systems to detect error asearly as possible
    - Documentationon IT operation procedures
  • - 신입
  • - 컴퓨터 관련 학과 우대
  • - 글로벌 담당자와의 영어 의사소통 가능한 후보자
  • - Good knowledge of MS Office O365 including Outlookand Skype for Business, Win 7, Win 10, Lotus Notes, Active Directory, IE,Network Connectivity, VPN, Citrix, and McAfee
  • - Hands on experience in desktop/server hardware, LANadministration, networking, hand held devices, video conferencing facilities


근무지 : 서울시 강남구

근무시간 : 09:00 ~ 18:00 주5일근무(월-금)

채용형태 : 파견계약직 (총2년 근무 가능)

급여 : 2700-2800사이 회사규정

마감일 : 2019.11.15(금) 오후4시

접수서류 : 이력서, 자기소개서 국/영문

접수메일 : nicole@joynpeople.co.kr

문의전화 : 02-2191-5103


최혜정 드림

주식회사 조이앤피플 General Manager Nicole Choi


D+82.2.2191.5103 l F+82.2.2191.5107 l C+82.10.9495.6535