H 채용정보 교내채용정보


[메드트로닉코리아] Associate Technical Service Specialist / Direct Contract_ 6 Months
  • 작성일자
  • 조회60

About Medtronic]


Medtronic은 미국 미니애폴리스에 본사를 두고 세계 120여 개국에 자회사 및 지사가 있는 회사로 순환기, 신경계 관련 첨단 의료기기를 생산, 공급하는 다국적 기업입니다. 현재 세계 각지에 지사, 연구개발 및 교육 시설, 제조회사 등을 설치, 글로벌네트워크를 형성하고 있으며 각 나라의 특성에 맞는 제품과 서비스를 제공하여 매년 수백만 명 이상의 생명과 건강 증진에 공헌하고 있는 세계적인 의료기기 전문 기업입니다.

- Medtronic: https://www.medtronic.com/kr-ko/index.html



Main Purpose of the Job


  • Provides in-house repair service in a repairing/service center or on-site technical service and support.
  • Support documentation and administrative jobs for sales team to meet customer’s demand.
  • Product management for samples, loaners including in arranging logistics 


Key Responsibilities


  • Provides in-house repair service in a repairing/service center or on-site technical service and support without sales & service quota.
  • Provides technical support to customers, sales personnel, and healthcare professionals responding to product related questions, issues and problems.
  • Provides sales personnel with technical data necessary for the demonstration of products.
  • Acts as a liaison between sales personnel and customers on technical issues.
  • Product / office warehouse management for samples, loaners including in arranging logistics 
  • May make technical presentations at sales meetings and customer locations.
  • Provide monthly report to manager
  • Network with other appropriate Medtronic staff for technical and service support
  • Other duties as directed.




Experience and Knowledge

·        Bachelor’s degree, preferably in medical/biomedical or engineering field.

·        Computer literacy including sound knowledge of the MS Office suite of software.



메드트로닉 홈페이지 직접 지원: https://medtronic.taleo.net/careersection/2/jobdetail.ftl?job=19000MI6&lang=en


이력서 양식: 국/영문 자기소개서, Cover Letter

접수마감: 12/31/2019

Thank you.


Your wisdom,

Jinhee Jang

Talent Advisor | Talent Acquisition

South Korea


Medtronic Korea17F, Glass Tower #534, Teheran-ro

Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea 06181Office: 82.2.3404.3644 | Fax: 82.2.3404.3609



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