H 채용정보 교내채용정보


[폭스바겐] 파이낸셜서비스코리아 채용 공고
  • 작성일자
  • 조회74

채 용 공 고 VWFS Korea / Human Resources Intern 

Job Description

[Group-wide HR project Support] 

 Assist and support for organization of the project related meetings. 

 Assist and support documentation and deliverable preparation. 

[Implement HR System] 

 Support to successfully implement local leave system. 

 Support to successfully implement global employee data management system. 

[HR Documentation]

  Personnel information filing.

  Support any other HR related documentation delegated by HR staffs.

 [HR Event Support] 

 Making various arrangements for HR event communicating with appropriate vendors(venue, catering, name tags etc.) 

[Other HR related tasks] 

 Claim all HR related expense via internal claim system. 

 Translate HR internal policies(English – Korean) 

 Other miscellaneous tasks delegated by HR personnel 

Job Requirements 

 Adequacy in both English/Korean language 

 Independently carry-out delegated tasks(Adequacy in MS Word/Powerpoint/Excel) 

 Detail-oriented and careful person in dealing with confidential documents.

 Passionate, self-motivated, self-driven to achieve delegated tasks 

 Prior experience in organizing events, seminars, workshops is a plus Additional Information 

 인턴기간 : 6개월 (휴학생 혹은 졸업생, 혹은 바로 입사가 가능한 자) 

 전형방법 : 1차 서류전형 / 2차 면접전형 

 제출서류 : 국문/영문 이력서, 자기소개서 (각종 증빙서류는 서류전형합격자에 한해 추후제출)

 급여사항 : 면접 후 협의 

 접수방법 : 이메일 kr.recruit@vwfs.com 

 마감일 : 2020-01-27(월) 선착순 면접 후 채용