H 채용정보 교내채용정보


[메르세데스벤츠코리아] HR Assistant 채용 (채용시마감)
  • 작성일자
  • 조회94

* 근무회사: 메르세데스 벤츠 코리아

- 독일에 본사를 두고 있는 세계적인 자동차 제조 및 판매 기업 


* 모집부문: HR Assistant


HR Business Partnering Support (30%)

-Support HR Business Partner to create and manage HR document based on HR-related data in order to provide consultation, guidance and coaching to the head of each department in all aspects of HR including, Employment Law, remuneration and other HR related topics.


Learning & Development (30%)

-Support to plan and implement annual learning & development programs

-Take a lead to communicate with relevant parties – external vendor, program participants and the head of each department as a coordinator

-Support and Manage the whole process of each program in terms of Preparation, Delivery and monitoring of the program outcome


Onboarding & Employer branding (20%)

-Support to manage the onboarding process

-Support to plan and implement a new onboarding program for new joiners

-Support to plan and implement an employer branding program for potential candidates


HR Administration (20%)

-Support the ad-hoc HR projects related to organization development

-Maintain the local system timely and accurately per internal process



-학사 이상

-신입 지원 가능 (유관 업무 인턴/단기계약직 경험 있는 분 우대)

-유관 업무 경력 우대 (Recruiting, HR Support 등)

-외국계 자동차 기업 커리어 희망하는 분/자동차 산업 경험 우대
-MS Office 활용 (Excel 활용 가능자)

-업무상 영어 활용 (Intermediate)



-급여조건 : 경력에 따른 협의 (최종/희망급여 기재)

-근무위치 : 서울시 중구 서울스퀘어 본사 (서울역)

-근무시간 : (월~금) 09:00-18:00 / 주 5일 근무, 1H 휴게시간   

-복리후생 : 재택근무, 유연근무제, 퇴직금, 건강검진/예방접종, 명절상여금, 4대 보험, 연차, 생일쿠폰, 경조휴가/경조금 등

-근무형태 : 맨파워코리아 소속 파견계약직 1년 (업무 평가에 따라 1년 연장 가능)



-1차 서류전형

-2차 면접전형 (추가 면접 요청이 있을 수 있습니다.)

[지원방법 및 문의]

이메일 지원 : julie.sung@manpower.co.kr 로 서류 제출

(이메일 제출시 메일 제목 : 벤츠HR_지원자성명OOO)
* 필수 제출서류 : 국&영문이력서, 국문자기소개서
* 담당자 : 스태핑솔루션사업본부 성연지 (02-2051-5093)