H 채용정보 교내채용정보


[KOTRA 상파울루무역관] LG전자 마나우스 법인 회계담당자 구인 공고
  • 작성일자
  • 조회121

                   LG전자 마나우스 채용 공고 내용

  Subsidiary Name  법인명

Brazil, Manaus subsidiary (LGEAZ)

  Position Title    . ‘직함    

According to job experience (Management, Assessor, Account Manager or Manager)

  Job Name       .,,직무    

(Job Family.Sub Job Family.Job Name) Team Leader

  Department Name 부서

Accounting Team

  Supervisor       ‘상사  Name: Woojin Kim                  / E-mail: woojin2.kim@lge.com
  HR Manager      HR담당자  Name: Cynthia Joung             / E-mail: cynthia.joung@lge.com



Detailed Job Description 직무 상세

Roles & Responsibilities 역할  업무

•Knowledge in management controls, budget, strategic tax and fiscal planning. Preparation and review of inventories, budget, analysis of indicators and control of the company's economic.


Qualifications & Requirements 응시 자격

• Major 학과: Administration, Accounting, Economics, Finance or related fields.

• Job Experience 경력: 2 years minimum

• Language 어학: Korean native and Advanced English. Portuguese is desirable.

• Others (Knowledge/Skills) 기타 요건: Advanced Excel.

• Preferred 선호 요건:------

Location 근무지

• (City, Country): Job will be in Manaus-Amazonas –Brazil.

Expected Offer Package 예상 처우 (Salary and benefits should be based on Subsidiary’s internal policies)

(Expected offer package is not to be open in the job posting)

• Basic Salary 세후 급여: R$ 15.209,00 (USD 2.735,43)  

(Basic Salary for Local ISE with same experience 동일 연차의 Local ISE 세후 급여: R$ 11.000,00 (USD 1.978,42) )

• Performance Incentive 개인 성과 인센티브:

• Accommodation 숙소: Local house with limit R$ 2.000,00/month (USD 359,71)  

• Meal 식비:  N/A  

• Transportation 교통:  N/A

• Medical Support 의료비: Bradesco – Health Assistance  

• Airfare for Visit to Korea 항공권: One per year.  

• Vacation 휴가: By year

• Others 기타:

  영문이력서 제출 : andre@kotra.com.br ,research@kotra.com.br