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[한국아이큐비아(주)] Operation Assistant 채용 공고 (~9/27)
  • 작성일자
  • 조회127

한국아이큐비아㈜ / https://www.iqvia.com/
주소: 서울 송파구 송파대로 558 월드타워


[한국아이큐비아㈜/7개월] Operation Assistant 채용 공고문

[근무회사 및 모집부문]
* 근무회사: 한국아이큐비아㈜
* 홈페이지: https://www.iqvia.com/
* 사업분야: 건강정보기술 서비스 및 임상수탁전문기업
* Job Family: Lifecycle Safety - Safety Operations

* Job Title: Operation Assistant (프로젝트 성 채용)
* 외국계 기업 / 제약회사 경력에 관심이 있는 후보자에게 좋은 채용 건입니다.

* 글로벌 기업으로 높은 Name Value 및 기업문화 등 다양한 이점을 보유한 기업입니다.

[회사소개]본 기업은 건강정보기술 서비스와 의약품 개발 및 아웃소싱 서비스를 제공하며, 주로 임상 1상에서 4상까지의 시험 및 컨설팅 서비스를 포함한 실험실 분석 서비스 제공에 중점을 두고 있습니다.

[전반적인 직무소개]
Manage the administrative support across all Lifecycle Safety service lines to the Safety Operations and Lifecycle Safety functions as appropriate. Provide support to junior administrative team members.

- Assist in processing of Lifecycle Safety data by collecting and tracking incoming Adverse Events(AE)/endpoint information, determining initial/update status of incoming events, tracking timelines for completion of event processing, distributing event information to appropriate project personnel in the workflow for continued processing, review and preparation of endpoint documentation, transfer of events to client and other parties as identified by operations lead, obtaining confirmation of report receipt and track submission and assuming workflow responsibilities for various projects.
- May assist with project workflow including database entry, quality control activities, and generation of Lifecycle Safety data reports, preparation of Lifecycle Safety submission dossiers, assisting with deadline quality measurements, as directed by operations team member or manager.
- Assist with administrative team support e.g. project start-up tasks, creation and maintenance of project files, systems access requests
- Periodic distribution of Adverse Events(AE) listings and shipping of information supplies to sites as directed by senior operations team member.
- May coordinate, schedule and submit safety reports to regulatory authorities, marketing authorization holders, investigators, customers and operations team in accordance with deadlines

perform project administrative tasks such as creation of labels using investigator list, maintenance of personal safety files for mail merges and regulatory documents, copying of documents, envelope stuffing, tracking and filing of submission dossiers, and distributing listings to client and/or operations team members.
- Creating, maintain and track case folders, filing, retrieving and distribution of case folders to operations team members, assisting in maintenance of document control storage and relevant applications/systems as directed.
- Archiving case folders and project files after event closure, coordination of transfer of archived material to company/customer archive storage facilities after study closure, assisting in creation of records management processes and procedures, providing key input to operations team on acquisition and/or upgrade of records management application/systems and serving as liaison between Lifecycle Safety department and records management department.
- May assist with system support tasks such as utilizing design specifications, study form, and protocol to create project specific entry specifications and annotated project forms for database under guidance from operations lead and/or manager
- Oversee and co-ordinate administrative support by coordinating team/department/customer/project oversight group meetings, coordinating stationery orders, dispatching documents via courier services, reserving meeting rooms and IT equipment and providing administrative support where required. Identify and record process or quality problems and bring them to the attention of a senior team member.
- Participate in continuous improvement of all departmental processes and procedures by identifying and implementing efficiencies in workflow and/or case processing.
- Co-ordinate, oversee and delegate resource tasks to administrative team members as appropriate and monitor the intake of cases and archiving process when multiple coordinators are involved.
- Perform other duties as assigned.

- 4년제 대학 졸업 이상 (신입 지원 가능)
- 유관 인턴 및 단기계약 근무 경험 우대
- Pharma & Medical Company 경험자 우대
- 관련 전공자 우대 (생명공학, 바이오, 간호학, 제약산업공학 등 이공계 전공자)
- 임상 관련 교육 이수자 우대- 업무 상 영어 Reading & Writing 활용 가능자

[근무환경]- 계약기간: 7개월 (파견계약직)- 근무지: 서울특별시 송파구 (2호선, 8호선 잠실역 7번출구 부근)- 근무시간: 09:00 ~ 18:00 (주 5일 근무)- 급여: 회사 내규에 따름 (경력직의 경우 별도 협의)
- 특이사항: 계약만료 퇴사 시 Completion Bonus 별도 지급- 복리후생: 4대 보험, 연차, 생일/명절 선물, 경조 휴가/각종 경조금, 우수근무자 포상 등 맨파워코리아 규정

- 이메일 지원: Fernando.moon@manpower.co.kr
- 이메일 제목: IQVIA(Operation Assistant)_본인 성함 기재
- 제출서류: 국/영문 이력서 및 자기소개서 (MS Word 양식)
- 담당자: 문정석 과장, 02-6420-0393
- 지원 마감일: 2020년 09월 27일 일요일 자정