H 채용정보 교내채용정보


[GE Healthcare] Commercial Admin 포지션 채용 ( ~5/2)
  • 작성일자
  • 조회118


<GE Healthcare>
서울역 부근에 위치한 글로벌 헬스케어기업
환자의 진단, 치료 및 모니터링에 사용되는 첨단 기술, 디지털 인프라, 데이터 분석 및 의사결정 지원 도구를 제공하는 기업입니다.

[모집분야 및 업무내용]
Commercial operations coordinator
-The focus of this role is to manage and administrate the sponsorship & payment to beneficiary in proper process by supporting sales and functions teams
-Support to implement events
-Support KMDIA (Local Regulatory Body) report with timely manner
-Track marketing budget and actual expenses and manage it quarterly basis according to the year plan
-Initiate proper Workflow based on the type of event for pre-approval and payment.
-Interact with all functions and stakeholders regarding to marketing events and congress.
-Manage high-risk payments and generating PO in timely manner.
-Issue PO and make payments for promotion goods and brochure based upon request.
-Manage master file to track all the transaction is properly done.
-Highlight and resolve improper payments concerns and conflicts of interest.

신입 가능
Business operation, Admin 경력 우대
업무상 영어, MS Office 활용 가능자

근무기간 : 맨파워 소속 파견계약 1년 (연장 가능)
급여조건 : 신입 기준 연 3,200만원 내외
근무위치 : 서울역 부근
근무시간 : 주5일(월~금) 09:00 ~ 18:00
복리후생 : 명절상품권 생일상품권 지급, OT수당 지급, 4대 보험, 연차, 생일/명절 선물, 경조 휴가/각종 경조금, 우수근무자 포상 등 당사규정

이메일지원: josh.lee@manpower.co.kr (제목: [서울역_000])
제출서류: MS Word 파일의 국/영문 이력서, 자기소개서
담당자: 스태핑솔루션사업본부 이준석

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 ** 합격자 발생 시 종료되는 ASAP 채용 건입니다.