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[폭스바겐파이낸셜서비스코리아] 채용공고
  • 작성일자
  • 조회142



“Volkswagen Financial Services”는 독일 법인인 Volkswagen Financial Services AG 자회사의 통합 브랜드명이며, 폭스바겐파이낸셜서비스코리아 주식회사는 Finance, Leasing, Mobility 서비스를 제공하고, 보험대리점인 폭스바겐인슈어런스서비스코리아 주식회사는 Insurance 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다.

채 용 공 고

VWFS Korea / Compliance Project Intern

Job Description

[Group-wide implementation project at local entity level]

  • Assist and support for organization of the project (event planning, event support/facilitation etc.)
  • Assist and support contents organization (PPT/Excel file organizing, editing, revisions etc.)
  • Communicate inter-department for scheduling and organization process for a smooth implementation transition
  • Making various arrangements(venue, catering, seminar goods, name tags etc.)
  • Other miscellaneous Compliance project related support tasks

[Compliance & HR department supporting related to the project]

  • Assist and Support Compliance & HR department personnel while they are occupied with Compliance project related tasks
  • Receive instructions and carry out tasks as instructed
  • Independently carry our delegated tasks
  • Other miscellaneous tasks delegated by compliance personnel                        

Job Requirements

  • Adequacy in both English/Korean language
  • Independently carry-out delegated tasks and able to report status (Adequacy in MS Works)
  • High inter-personal skills and able to work with various departments and group of people
  • Passionate, self-motivated, self-driven to achieve set agenda
  • Prior experience in organizing events, seminars, workshops is a plus

Additional Information

  • 인턴기간 : 3개월 (휴학생 혹은 졸업생, 혹은 바로 입사가 가능한 자)
  • 전형방법 : 1차 서류전형 / 2차 면접전형
  • 제출서류 : 국문/영문 이력서, 자기소개서 (각종 증빙서류는 서류전형합격자에 한해 추후제출)
  • 급여사항 : 면접 후 협의
  • 접수방법 : 이메일 kr.recruit@vwfs.com
  • 마감일 : 2019-10-02(수) 선착순 면접 후 채용

2019년 09월 26일


대표이사 강 형 규