H 채용정보 교내채용정보


[UN-APCICT] Information Systems Assistant 정규직 채용 공고 (~4/20)
  • 작성일자
  • 조회95


  • Takes initiative in the planning, specification, design, development, implementation, and maintenance of customized application software systems and online knowledge sharing systems of the Centre.
  • Supports the implementation of the Centre’s e-learning strategies, including the APCICT Virtual Academy, by producing high-quality online learning courses and materials. Also supports the creation and maintenance of e-learning course architectures by creating script/storyboard of e-learning courses based on the Centre’s training modules and building prototypes using e-learning authoring tools.
  • Manages, maintains, and regularly updates APCICT online platform to ensure that all information is current and relevant.
  • Provides support on software development matters, including security, data integrity, and recovery; assists with needs assessment for new systems (including modifications to existing systems); performs ongoing reviews with users and developers and responds to requirements; requests, implements, provides operational support and maintains various applications.
  • Works with staff on the definition and specification of requirements; builds, tests and modifies prototype application software based on detailed instructions; installs and maintains software systems.
  • Provides technical support on relevant hardware and software systems applications in assigned area.
  • Acts as a focal point for receipt and processing of user requests.
  • Installs application systems software and hardware according to specifications.
  • Maintains regular contact with users and technical staff in user offices and provides support as required.
  • Liaises with national partners on the further roll-out of the APCICT Virtual Academy programme as a key ICT for development capacity building programe of APCICT, and for promotion of knowledge sharing platforms.
  • Conducts research on new technologies as requested; keeps abreast of developments in the field; assists in testing and evaluating new products and technologies.
  • Actively seeks opportunities for integrating the latest information technology tools into APCICT's ICT for development capacity building programmes for improving their reach and impact.
  • Performs other related duties as required.


: 서류접수 → 서류심사  → 1차 필기시험  → 2차 면접  → 최종 선발

지원서접수 : 유엔채용플렛폼 통해서 지원서 제출 

링크 : https://careers.un.org/lbw/jobdetail.aspx?id=176802&Lang=en-US