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[구글코리아] Associate Agency Manager 채용 공고 (~10/3)
  • 작성일자
  • 조회144

Title - Associate agency manager, GCS KR Agency team

Location: Seoul

Duration : 11 Months


As the Google Customer Solutions (GCS) Associate Agency Manager, you will work with top agency partners to drive customer success, long-term business sustainability and growth. You will support account managers at our agency partners to deliver a consistent and outstanding sales experience.

Your knowledge of online media combined with your communication skills and analytical abilities shapes how new and existing businesses grow. Using your relationship-building skills, you provide Google-caliber client service, research and market analysis. You anticipate how decisions are made, persistently explore and uncover the business needs of Google's key clients and understand how our range of product offerings can grow their business. Working with them, you set the vision and the strategy for how their advertising can reach thousands of users.



- Support account managers at our agency partners to manage their long-tail accounts

- Coordinate with the internal and external partners to provide the better experience of working with - Google and agency partners

- Support to develop the Google knowledge hub for our agency partners to provide them with market insights, product knowledge, up-to-date feature update, and how to identify sales opportunities, etc.

- Support to handle the operational work related to the KIP revenue validation process



- BA/BS degree

- 1 year of work experience in relevant industry preferred (인턴 경력이 있는 신입 분들의 지원도 환영합니다)

- Knowledge of agency business models, growth, and business acquisition for agencies

- Knowledge of digital agency ecosystem

- Ability to lead and manage multiple projects with a broad range of internal and external stakeholders.

- Strong project management and leadership skills

- Ability to work smart in a fast-paced, high-growth environment



- 급여: 경력 별 협의, 신입의 경우 내규 (최저임금을 훨씬 상위하는 금액)

- 근무 시간: 주 5 일 (월~금), 09:00 ~ 18:00

- 계약 기간: 11개월

- 근무 장소: 역삼역 강남 파이낸스 센터 (재택/출근 병행)

- 고용 형태: 맨파워 소속 파견계약직

- 복리 후생: 조중석식 제공, 상여금, 4대보험, 연차, 퇴직금, 생일 선물, 경조 휴가 및 각종 경조금 



- 영문 이력서 제출 (word파일), 필요시 커버레터 요청

- 이메일 지원: zoey.hong@manpower.co.kr

- 이메일 및 이력서 제목 : [G사_051성명]


** 서류 접수 가능한 분들에 한해서 개별 연락드립니다 **

본 채용 건은 ASAP 채용 건으로 채용시 접수 마감 됩니다. 빠른 지원 바랍니다.**

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