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[Sanofi/사노피] CI2C Credit and Collection 인턴 공고
  • 작성일자
  • 조회144

프랑스에 본사를 둔 사노피 그룹은 전세계 100여 개국에 진출해 있으며, 끊임없는 혁신을 추구하는 세계 선두의 헬스케어 기업입니다.

국내에서는 사노피-아벤티스 코리아/사노피파스퇴르를 통해 예방에서 치료까지 환자들의 다양한 니즈에 부응하는 글로벌 헬스케어 기업으로 자리매김하고 있습니다. Sanofi, a global healthcare leader, discovers, develops and distributes therapeutic solutions focused on patient's needs. Sanofi has core strengths in diabetes solutions, human vaccines, innovative drugs, and Consumer healthcare.


Hiring Department Information 모집부서

Hiring Department 모집부서

SBS CI2C credit and collection

Department Information 부서소개

여신 및 수금

Hiring Details 채용내용

Employment Status 근무형태

Trainee (Internship)

Requirement 지원자격

국내외 대학교 학부생, 대학원 석사생 및 졸업유예자 (계약기간 중 졸업 예정인 경우, 지원 제외대상)

Employment Period 근무기간

January 2 ~ July 1, 2024

Employment Location 근무지

서울 서초구 반포동 사노피 아벤티스 본사

Job Specifications 업무내용

1. Purpose

The CI2C Trainee is accountable for the processing of transactions & activities related to Credit Management and Collection

2. R&R

  • Actively participate in credit assessment for new and existing customer, perform periodic customer credit review
  • Managing the releasing of sales blocked orders & sales reconciliation
  • To perform collection activities, manage dunning process and monitor AR bad debts.
  • To back up the Finance Executive on overall CI2C tasks
  • Support/responding to enquiries from internal and external customers, Country Finance & Stakeholders
  • To update Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) as and when required and obtain validation from Team Supervisor/Manager
  • To support ad-hoc projects implementation (New tools, Robotic Process Automation (RPA), process improvement projects)
  • To perform month-end closing activities/reporting such as Sales, Credit limit history, Collection and AR Ageing reports.
  • To ensure timely & quality month-end closing and reporting of legal statutory account within Sanofi Group Calendar timeframes
  • To manage any other tasks as assigned by Team Supervisor/Manager

3. Qualification

- Minimum Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree/ Professional Certificate in Accounting/Finance/Business or equivalent

- Communication in English is required

- 합격 후 빠른 시일 내 업무 가능하신 분

- 졸업예정자 가능 단, 근무 기간 내 졸업 시 대상이 되지 않으며 졸업생 또한 대상이 되지 않음


Application Detail 지원

Application Mail 지원 및 문의


Job Application 제출서류

자유양식의 국영문 이력서  자기소개

Submission Due Date 접수마감일

December 15, 2023

Selection Process 전형절차

서류전형 – 면접전형 – 최종합격 (서류합격자에 한하여 개별 연락)


장애인 및 국가 보훈 취업 지원 대상자는 관계 법령에 의거하여 우대

People with disabilities as well as descendants will be given preference according to the related law.


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